Saturday, February 19, 2011

R.I.P. Your Productivity

Hi, hello there!
If you are like me, you don't like to do things. Even when you these things are super important and sciency or something, you would rather just procrastinate and fuck around on the internet.
"That does not sound like me at all and I think you are just making ridiculous, unfair assumptions" -You.
Um, first off you are reading this article. There is no way you are reading this if you aren't just putting off a task. Secondly, I am on your side! I am here to help by showing you things you can do to stave off that pesky urge to work. Let's gooooooooooooooooo!!!-@iambirdie


Sushi Cat 2
The best way I can describe this game is that it is a mix of plinko, animals, Japan, cuteness and the addictive quality of crack cocaine. As a plus it is also available for iPhones and iPod touch for procrastination on the go. Sushi Cat 1 is just as great (though it is lacking in pirate costumes) and it has an expansion. Play it already.

Burrito Bison
I really love Juicy Beast. They have the ability to make the simplest games, that might not be the most original, but have muggle-fucking fantastic art design and are addicting like air. They have also made Feed the King which is hilarious and ridiculously weird and you should really try it.

First off a bit of an explanation: I have somewhat hipster tastes in music. I do not listen to everything that pitchfork recommends, but I do like a lot of the things they do. Don't get me wrong, I think they are a bunch of pretentious assholes, and if I saw them ordering mochaccinos in a locally owned coffee shop, I would likely throw the nearest boiling hot liquid in their faces (okay too far but you get the point). I will try to post things that are as generally accessible as possible, but you may have to bear with me through some of the more crazy stuff. "tl;dr"-everyone

Just to let you know, these guys have two albums (the first one is cramazing to an insane degree but skip the second one).

If you liked this, he has an EP on his BandCamp for $5. Go download it on your HoverZune!


Okay. This one was a joke.

So. That's it. I feel like it went better than expected. I am thinking about doing this as a regular thing and possibly on MOBFD. Leave a comment if that sounds like something you want. Please! I'm so lonely! Just be my friend!

And as always for the first time, R.I.P. your productivity.

EDIT: Whoops! Meant to include THIS:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I haven't been posting anything lately but I will once I get some ideas. Just give me some time, you mean, fictional people!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Quote of the Year of 2010

I am going to cheat. I am going to use a quote from 2009 that I didn't see until this year. Oh well. Deal with it sunglasses etc. But I think that it just describes not only this year but the past few years as well. You now what? This is now the quote of the decade. I can do that. It's my blog, people who aren't reading this. I'll show you! Hahaha what? This is off the rails. Let's get it back on some rails!

"The thing about youth culture is, I don't understand it."
-Leslie Knope, Parks and Recreation

 Boom. There it is. The funny thing about this and the reason I chose this quote is that I am a youth. I think I should understand my own culture. But I don't. Hannah Montana, Silly Bandz: The Videogame. I mean, what? Seriously, you don't really expect me, a person with dignity and (small amounts of) self respect to go for this stuff do you? Whatever. I guess my point is that it is a crazy, screwed up world we live in. Everyone knows what I'm talking about.